K2 Wins Imperial Oil/Exxon Mobil President’s Award
Chris Allard Senior Project Manager for Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil presented K2 Mining (KMC Mining—Peter Kiewit Joint Venture) with the 2012 President’s SSH&E Award for Best in Class Achievements in SSH&E Performance for work associated with the Kearl Expansion Project & Kearl Tailings at the Kearl Oil Sands Project. In addition, K2 Mining received the Guiding Spirit Award for best safety performance at the Kearl Oil Sands Project. This is the third time in four years that K2 Mining has received this award.
The safety performance at K2 Mining has been outstanding with no recordable injuries over the past three million hours worked (more than 650 days). A safety culture has been developed on site to reduce hazards and promote peer to peer interventions with the goal of “Nobody Gets Hurt”.
As part of the awards ceremony Dan Klemke also received special recognition for his contribution to safety and leadership in the oilsands industry.
The continued recognition of KMC’s contribution to safety improvement in the Fort McMurray area is a testament to our employee’s desire to create a safe working environment. Congratulations to KMC employees!