Sales and Investment Solicitation Process (“SISP”)
Revised on February 12, 2025
KMC intends to offer all of its assets and business for sale pursuant to the terms of the Court approved order approving the sales and investment solicitation process (“SISP”). Ernst & Young (EY) has been appointed as Sales Agent and will lead the sales process.
The Teaser highlights the acquisition opportunity and outlines the overall sales process, as set out in the SISP.
The SISP is a two-phased process with a Qualified Phase I Bid deadline of February 28, 2025. The Court approved SISP sets specific provisions (including timelines) for any interested party to participate. The Court approved process does allow for pre-emptive sales transactions if certain conditions are met.
Offers for assets that will be considered include offers en bloc, offers on fleets of assets, offers on individual assets, and offers for certain other of the KMC’s operations, contracts, IP or tax attributes.
If you have questions and want to learn more about the process and timelines – or want dataroom access, please reach out directly to the EY team via their e-mail address
Copies of documents filed in the CCAA proceedings and the SISP may be obtained from the Monitor’s website at
For more information, please see the official press release.
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